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are free to focus on other Tasks.

Compliance Organisation

The company respects the applicable law and expects its employees as well as its partners to do the same. An unfavourable legal situation - be it for an individual or for the company - may not be ignored. The company respects applicable law, regardless if it is national, foreign, or international law, decree or other provision (subsequently referred to as “laws”). During day-to-day business with customers, suppliers, employees or public authorities, all business cases have to be fulfilled in a manner that abides by all applicable laws (e.g. employment, fiscal, or customs laws).

It is strictly prohibited to prompt third parties to unlawful behavious or to take part in any such action. The executive managers are responsible to ensure that within their area of responsibility no such violations of laws occur that could have been prevented by adequate supervision. They have to point out clearly that unlawful behaviour is disapproved of and will lead to disciplinary consequences. Within this context all employees have to be made formally aware of the regulations within this code of conduct.

Within our organisational structure a Compliance Organisation has been set up, whose Compliance Managers are the neutral and unbiased contact persons for all questions concerning compliance.

Bei Hinweisen auf (etwaige) Gesetzesverstöße, die Roland Logistik  betreffen, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich direkt per E-Mail an die Compliance Organisation unseres Unternehmens zu wenden. Diese wird den Vorgang prüfen und ggf. die erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergreifen.
Should you have any indication for (possible) contravention concerning Roland Logistics, you have the option to contact our Compliance Organisation directly via E-mail. They will investigate the occurrence and, where required, take the necessary measures.

Contakt: complianceoetker-gruppede